Moldova is an integral part of Europe and has a rich history. This country is situated in the contact zone between different cultural and historic trends – Carpathian-Balkan, Central-European and Eurasian, and during its multi-millennial history harmoniously absorbed diverse cultural traditions of Proto-Indo-Europeans and archaic Indo-European peoples, including the Thracians, Slavs, Celts, Goths, Huns, etc., thus obtaining specific and unparalleled features.
The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova is the supreme representative body of the Republic of Moldova, the only state legislative authority, being a unicameral structure composed of 101 elected deputies on lists, for a period of 4 years. Parliament is elected by universal vote, equal directly, secret and freely expressed. The President of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova is elected by the Parliament, with a minimum of 52 votes.
The President of Moldova is the head of the State and represents the State and is the guarantor of national sovereignty, independence, and the unity and territorial integrity of the nation.
Activitatea Serviciului Fiscal de Stat este direcţionată spre îndeplinirea sarcinilor principale – colectarea eficientă a veniturilor bugetare, asigurarea cadrului necesar aplicării unitare a legislaţiei fiscale, obţinerii unor performanţe în vederea asigurării stabilităţii. Serviciul Fiscal de Stat tinde să obţină un grad înalt de conformare voluntară a contribuabililor, oferindu-le soluţii optime şi competente printr-un ansamblu de servicii automatizate de o înaltă calitate, ce corespund ultimelor realizări din domeniul tehnologiilor informaţionale, concomitent cu armonizarea legislaţiei fiscale a Republicii Moldova la standardele internaţionale de administrare fiscală.
Primăria Municipiului Chişinău Pagina Oficială a Primăriei Municipiului Chișinău. Chisinau City Hall. The mayor of Chisinau municipality is the highest official, the mayor of Chisinau. The first mayor of Chisinau was Nikolai Kostin. The current mayor since November 4, 2019 is Ion Ceban.
Details regarding the visa regime in Moldova. The visa can be issued for a single travel (entry) or for multiple travels. The visa cannot be issued for a group of persons. The Moldovan consular authorities issue the following types of visas, depending on the purposes of stay: Type "B" Visa - (transit visa) is issued to the foreign nationals who pass the territory of the Republic of Moldova on their own way to a third state, for the validity period of visa for the foreign destination.
The EmbassyPage for Moldova lists all embassies and consulates in Moldova and all Moldovan embassies and consulates abroad. Currently, Moldova maintains 31 embassies abroad as well as 62 consulates. The Moldovan capital Chisinau hosts 29 embassies, and in addition there are 21 consulates and one other representation in Moldova.
The section is created for the purpose of assistance to the Public Organizations which main objective is creation of conditions for part of the people living out of the country of the origin, forming solid ethnic groups in the accommodation country, having social institutes for maintenance and development of the identity and a community.
Here you can find the information about exhibitions organized by Moldexpo, and also about business events held within the frames of the exhibitions. Businessmen from over 30 countries of the world meet at Moldexpo, presenting new samples of products, services, widening partnership relations, signing new contracts and finding perspective investors.